Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mennorhagia: What it is, and why you don't have to live with it

Dr. Cindy Hall, D.O., OB/GYN
Menorrhagia, or excessive menstrual bleeding, can be painful, disruptive to lifestyle, and can impact health with iron deficiencies and other undesirable effects.

There are three main causes of menorrhagia, including anovulation (not ovulating once per month), having polyps or fibroids in the uterus, or having an overgrowth of the uterine lining (endometrial hypoplasia).  Sometimes it can also be due to an overall bleeding tendency in the body, for patients taking blood thinners like Coumadin or having a low platelet count.  Whatever the reason, a qualified physician can determine the cause with an examination and a variety of tests including an endometrial biopsy, which is standard before any surgery or procedure.

Patients with this condition should understand that memorrhagia is not something to endure and just "live with", and that medical science offers numerous effective treatments. The best treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding depends on:

•    The cause of your bleeding,
•    Your preferences for treatment,
•    The need to prevent pregnancy, and
•    Your desire to have children in the future.

Treatment with one or more medicines or hormonal birth control may be tried first. Antifibrinolytic medicines help the blood to clot, and antiinflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and mefenamic acid (Ponstel), can reduce bleeding and cramps. Lysteda is a relatively new medication, which has been successfully and widely used in Europe to treat heavy bleeding, but is more costly than other available medications.

A minimally invasive surgical treatment might be an option for women with polyps or fibroids with a myomectomy, which can be performed in the office due to advances in minimally invasive surgical technology and laparoscopic pelvic surgery capabilities.

Other surgical treatments for menorrhagia include:
  • Endometrial ablation, a treatment that removes most of the lining of the uterus. However, it is not a good option for women who might want to become pregnant in the future.  The treatment can be done in the office or as a day surgery. Most women can go back to work the following day.
  • Hysterectomy,  a surgery that removes the uterus.  It is a permanent treatment that cures heavy menstrual bleeding. However, the surgery can have complications and requires up to six weeks for full recovery. Pregnancy is not possible after hysterectomy. There are new, less invasive techniques with laparoscopic surgery, for abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy than were previously available with traditional surgery.
Individuals who believe they may be suffering from memorrhagia should know that it can be diagnosed, and most importantly, treated, by a qualified obstetrics and gynecology specialist.

Dr. Cindy Hall, D.O. OB/GYN
A Center for Women's Care, P.C.
Glenwood Springs

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